Monday, December 7, 2009

Uterus Aches

There are two kinds.

1) The kind where you see a baby or toddler being so precious that you want to go straight home and procreate.

2) The kind that make you weak in the knees, break out in cold sweats, and make you think you're being stabbed repeatedly.

It's the second kind of day here at Tara. Lovely Aunt Flo arrived today in full force, SIXTEEN days after I ovulated. (Remember that 18 post-O temps is almost certainly a pregnancy.) So I wait, and I wait, and I wait and my uterus mocks me. "Think you're pregnant because it's been so long?" it says. "Just you wait, I'll remind you of the only thing I'm good for." And so it begins. The pains that rock my gut and make me want to crawl into a hole and pray for sleep so I won't feel them.

The pains that are no comparison to the ones that rock my heart today.