Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's about to get crazy in here.

In order to be completely honest in this blog, I need to invite you all into my little corner of insanity and introduce you to Fake Baby. (Don't worry, there are cookies and cider).

Even though Rhett and I have yet to conceive, we've been waffling back and forth on it for over a decade, and I think that having babies on the brain for that length of time has led to my slight unhinging. Though we have no child to speak of, we do have Fake Baby. Fake Baby is often considered in our household, especially in matters of decorating. For example, "Well, we can't do the office/guest room in that color, because that will be Fake Baby's room." Yes folks, we decorated our room with the idea that someday, there might possibly be a child that resides there. Do you see how irrational this is? I do, don't worry.

In my defense, I would like to state that we have not purchased a single item for Fake Baby. I've had to talk myself down from a few sales but so far we have resisted. Though I do still kick myself for not buying the one-year old black crib on Craigslist for $50 (for me, black=love)! Also, I should note that when I say "we" I mean "me" and I think it's a way I try to make myself sound less crazy. Because if I brought anything home for Fake Baby, Rhett would give me the side-eye to end all side-eyes.

Now that we've established how completely irrational I am, we can move on all the fun things associated with growing a human. Like nurseries! And onesies! And socks that look like Chuck Taylor's!

All for a baby that doesn't exist.

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